Principal’s Message
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Principal’s Message

Shri. Rajesh Deshmukh
The student’s college-life is a protected environment where parents and teachers guide and control the activities and provide them necessary protection.But, after this phase they have to face full of challenges without any guide. They alone will have to accept all responsibilities of those decisions in their life-passage.
Therefore, I would like to frame the directive principles for the stakeholders in our educational institution in such a way:
- Think before you plan; and plan before you act.
- Patience in planning and impatience in execution always creates miracles.
- Keep in remembrance that you are ‘Unique’.
- You can do anything when you have proper vision, strong determination and endless efforts.
- If you are willing to give your all to the decided task, then you might bring success to those who out last you.
Furthermore, they should solve the imminent problems with all their might and should take work in a play way spirit to reshape society; and carry in their hearts and minds Poet Rabindranath Tagore’s message of peace and beauty.
The casual act of noble – truths brought about a miraculous change in the character of any young man!