Bar. Ramrao Deshmukh Arts, Smt. Indiraji Kapadiya Commerce and Ny. Krushnarao Deshmukh Science College, Badnera Dist. Amravati (Maharashtra) 444 701

Institutional Distinctiveness

About / Institutional Distinctiveness

Bar. Ramrao Deshmukh Arts, Smt. Indiraji Kapadiya Commerce and Ny. Krushnarao Deshmukh Science College, Badnera Distt. Amravati (Maharashtra) 444 701

Institutional Distinctiveness:

Vidarbha youth Welfare society, Amravati was established and registered under the Society’s Registration Act, 1860, and the Public Trust Acts, 1950 in July 1965, with a dedicated view and motto to impart education to all categories. Due to tireless efforts of our Founder President Late Prof Ram Meghe of Vidarbha Youth Welfare Society, Amravati the society has established about 11 colleges and 17 Schools in Amravati and Wardha District in a span of 50 years. Our college Bar. RDIK KD College, Badnera is Accredited by NAAC B. is established in the year 1972. One of the important objectives of our society is to comply with the need of Women Education. Therefore, 2 women colleges were started by our society and are functioning very well in order to cater the need of Higher Education of Girls from rural areas, the Society opened Arts College in Rural areas also. The colleges in Amravati district are Indirabai Meghe, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, (Arts Commerce), Mahila Mahavidyalaya Chandur (Rly), Prof. Rajabhau Deshmukh Kala Mahavidyalaya Nandgaon (Kh), Bar . Ramrao Deshmukh Arts, Smt. Indiraji Kapadia, Commerce  Nay Krushnarao Deshmukh Science College ,Badnera (Rly) college of social Work, which are Accreditated by National Assessment  Accreditation Council (NAAC) and various Graduate  Post-Graduate courses are being runned at above colleges, taking into consideration the need of Higher Education. Taking into consideration for vocational courses, the society has established six Vocational Training Centers for M.C.V.C attached to the Junior College in the rural and urban areas. To satisfy the need of Rural population for secondary education the society is managing 15 High Schools  1 (One) ashram shala in the Rural areas and also running backward class Hostels for those community students. The Society is organizing regularly the seminars, symposium and Group discussion with the industrialist to meet farmers demand. Well-equipped Dental mobile Hospital is available for the checkup and treatment camps in rural and tribal areas of Melghat. Necessary facilities are provided to teachers to procure higher qualifications in their subjects from time to time. As a result of this, about 32 professors of our establishment have been awarded ‘Doctorate’ i.e., Ph.D. in various disciplines. The college has earned reputation in the society and is one of the lead college in the University in Arts Commerce. The College has a rich heritage of Academic Merits, Laurel, Colour holders in the field of Games and Sports and Cultural Events at University and State Level. Bar. Ramrao Deshmukh Arts, Smt. Indiraji Kapadiya Commerce  Nya. Krushnarao Deshmukh Science College, Badnera was established in the year 1972 with two streams Arts and Commerce . With great efforts, hard work and support of the parent society and employees of the college, the college has now grown up into big institute of arts, commerce  science. Junior wing in Arts and Commerce.

The campus of the college is situated in the new town Badnera. The college is affiliated to Sant Gadgebaba Amravat University Amravati having UG PG and Research Degree Program like PhD. The college runs UG program in English and Marathi medium to cater the need of students in Arts, Commerce and Science faculty. The college has recognised PhD research centre in Marathi, Commerce & Management, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology & Botany. The college has galaxy of competent faculty member having PhD degree and Supervisors for PhD research work in various subject. The college is reaccredited by NAAC in the third cycle by NAAC with “B++” grade in 2017. The college has functional IQAC established for internal quality assurance in higher education.

The college has good academic infrastructure with beautiful campus .The college has spacious library in separate building well equipped with rich collection and computerized library services. The college has 50 MBPS Optical fiber connectivity of Internet and access to e-resource through N-LIST. The College has separate Seminar Hall, Laboratories and Girls Hostel. The college has earned reputation in the society and is one of the lead college in the University in Arts, Commerce & Science. The College has a rich heritage of Academic Merits, Laurel, Colour holders in the field of Games and Sports and Cultural Events at University and State Level.