Paper Publication
Sr. No. | Publication | Name of the Faculty |
1 | Formulation Development & Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Tablets for Vaginal Delivery of Metronidazole.International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sci. 2020 ,11(SPL4) ,1973-1981 | Ms S. A. Chore |
2 | Formulation & Evaluation of Metronidazole MucoadhesiveVaginal Tablet .International Journals of Innovation Sciences and Research Nov.2020,.9(11),1549-1558 | Ms S. A. Chore |
3 | Formulation & Evaluation of Rectal In Situ Gel for an Anti- Inflammatory Drug .World Journals of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ,2020,6(12),233-254 , ISSN2455-3301 | Ms S. A. Chore |
4 | Formulation & Evaluation of Ophthalmic Drug Delivery System For Levofloxacin Hemihydrate and Ketorolac Tromethamine. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9(15), 1011-1043, ISSN. 2277-7105 | Ms S. A. Chore |
5 | Formulation & Evaluation of Immediate Release pellets Using Extrusion Spheronization. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ,2020,6(12),216-232 , ISSN.2455-3301 | Ms S. A. Chore |
6 | A Concise Review: Sustained Release Drug Delivery System.WorldJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sci.2020, 9(12), 875-902, ISSN. 2278-4357 | Ms S. A. Chore |
7 | A Review on Mucoadhesive Vaginal Drug Delivery System.International Journal of Research in Pharmacy & Chemistry,2020,10(4),350-364, ISSN. 2231-2781 | Ms S. A. Chore |
8 | Pelletisation Technique & Extrusion- Spheronisation : A Literature Review .International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biosciences 2020, 5(6),1-22, ISSN. 2394-5826 | Ms S. A. Chore |
9 | Review on Buccal Drug Delivery System. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci. Review & Research. 2020, 65(2), 140-148, ISSN. 0976-044X | Ms S. A. Chore |
10 | A Study on Antimicrobial Evaluation of Different Generic and Branded tablet of Ciprofloxacin Hcl Marketed in Wardha District. India Journal of Pharmacy Practice.2022,15(3) 177-183 | Ms S. A. Chore |
11 | Innovative Approach for Nasal Drug Delivery System for Brain Target.GSC Advanced Research & Reviews .2021,9(3),93-106 | Ms. P. G. Patil |
12 | Review of Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Application. 2022,7(1),423-437,ISSN.2249-7781 | Ms. P. G. Patil |
13 | Review of Pharmacovigilance. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2022, 11(2), 1223-1241, ISSN. 2277-7105 | Ms. P. G. Patil |
14 | Review on Herbal Drug Formulation & Standardization .International Journal Of Sci. Academic Research ,2022,3(2)3513-3518, ISSN.2582-6425 | Ms. P. N. Dongare |
15 | Review on Pharmacognosy ,Phytochemistry and Pharmacological activity of Taraxacum officinal ( Dandelion Plant )World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. 2021,12(2),212-218 | Ms. P. N. Dongare |
16 | An Overview on Herbal Cosmetics &Cosmeceuticals .International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci. Review & Research. ,2021,68(1),75-78,ISSN.0976-044x | Ms. P. N. Dongare |
17 | An Overview on Anticancer Drugs From Marine Source .World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,2021, 10(1), 950-956, ISSN.2277-7105 | Ms. P. N. Dongare |
18 | Review : Carbon Nanotubes in cancer Therapy .International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Research.2020,20(1),759-765.ISSN2349-7203 | Ms. P. N. Dongare |
19 | Telepharmacy: Way to digital Pharmacy. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sci.2022,8(3),ISSN.2454-2229 | Ms. V. R. Belokar |
20 | Personalized Medicine : A. Novel Way to Drug Delivery System.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Application.2022,7(1),914-926,ISSN.2249-7781 | Ms. V. R. Belokar |
21 | Anticatalyptic Activity of Rheum Emodi on Haloperidol Induced Parkinsonism .International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci. Review & Research. 2022,72(2),44-50, ISSN.0976-044x | Ms. P.R. Ganeshkar |
22 | Anticatalyptic Activity of Rheum Emodi on Haloperidol Induced Parkinsonism. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Application.2022 ,7(1) 400-408, ISSN2249-7781 | Ms. P.R. Ganeshkar |
23 | Effects of RheumEmodi on Haloperidol Induced Parkinsonism by Using Despire Swim Test. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sci.2022, 8(3), 115-121, ISSN. 2454-2229 | Ms. P.R. Ganeshkar |
24 | A Contingency Plan For The Management of Viral Outbreak .International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Research2020, 18(2)309-331, ISSN.2349-7203 | Mr. T. A. Dhote |
25 | Review Article: A coronavirus Disaster.WorldJournal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sci.2020, 9(5), ISSN. 2278-4357 | Mr. A.L. Pohane |
26 | Review Article: Elegant Bilayer Tablets. European Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sci. 2020,7(6),254-261,ISSN.2349-8870 | Mr.S. G. Bonde |
27 | An Overview on AzadirachtaIndica Plant Parts Benefit & Marketed Preparation.World Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sci.2022,11(4),ISSN. 2278-4357 | Ms. T. B. Kadu |
28 | Phytopharmaceutical Application and Recent Advances: A Review .International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Application.2022,7(2),103-111,ISSN2456-4494 | Ms. N. S. Gallani |
29 | 3D Printing Technology in Pharmaceutical Formulation .International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Application.2022,7(2), 90-102, ISSN2456-4494 | Ms. N. S. Gallani |
30 | A Review on Impact of Covid – 19 on Pharmaceutical Industry .IJSDR20227 (3), ISSN. 2455-2631 | Ms. N. S. Gallani |
31 | Robust Simple Analytical Technique for Development and Validation of Stability Indicating Assay Method for Estimation of Teneligliptin in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci. &Research 2022,13(8)3280-3287 | Ms. B. A. Borade
32 | Review On Herbal Drug Treatment For Alzheimer Disease, International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT.ORG), Volume 10, Dec.2022, ISSN: 2320-2882.
Ms. P. N.Dongare |
33. |
Sustained Release Effervescent Floating Bilayer Tablet – A Novel Approach, International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT.ORG),Volume 10, Dec.2022, ISSN: 2320-2882.
Ms. P. G. Patil |
34. | An Overview On Recent Trend On Pediatric Physiotherapy, International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT.ORG),Volume 10, Dec.2022, ISSN: 2320-2882.
Ms. T. B. Kadu |